What Should I Do about Water Stains on a Popcorn Ceiling?

When it comes to clothing, there are many options for stain removal from all types of fabrics. What about ceilings? We aren't about to start applying liquid bleach to our walls, and we can't use a Tide pen on the ceiling! So what can you do about water stains on a popcorn ceiling?
First Step: Make Sure It Is Dry
If there is a water stain on your popcorn ceiling, it means there was has been a source of water. Unless you deal with this, you are going to be treating those same stains again (and dealing with worse issues!). If there is a plumbing leak, have a licensed plumber fix the issue right away. In the case of water intrusion from the outside, get a professional roofer or carpenter to repair it.
Once you are sure there is no more water that will come in, and the area is dry and free of mildew or mold, you can begin your steps to get rid of the stain.
Can You Paint a Popcorn Ceiling?
While this is not the best solution, it is possible to paint a popcorn ceiling. Use a broom to sweep the surface clean before you begin. Next, you will want to use a stain blocking primer over the affected area, then you can apply a topcoat. Use a flat paint intended for ceilings, and apply it with a long-napped paint roller.
Be aware that popcorn texture is very thirsty (highly absorbent), so it may take more paint than you expected. Apply it in multiple coats, rather than one heavy coat.
How to Get Rid of a Popcorn Ceiling
If you already have water damage on the popcorn ceiling, you may want to consider changing to a more updated, easy-to-clean style of ceiling. There are three ways to transition from popcorn ceilings to a flat, smooth ceiling:
- Remove the texture and repaint the ceiling
- Remove the drywall and install new drywall
- Put new drywall over the current drywall
All three of these options are best done by a professional painting company. This is because...
- Popcorn ceiling texture often contains asbestos, and disturbing it can be hazardous to your health. A professional painter can deal with this safely and properly.
- All three options require drywall finishing skills, and for best results, you want this done with excellence. If the old texture is removed, the drywall will still need to be repaired and smoothed. If new drywall is installed, it is difficult to get it smooth, attractive, and ready to paint
Williams Professional Painting
If you live in northern Virginia or the Washington, D.C. area, Williams Professional Painting is a name you can trust. Our expert craftsmen can help you evaluate the best course of action for your popcorn ceiling, so that you can enjoy beautiful ceilings again (or maybe for the first time in this home!).
Since 1979, Williams Professional Painting has been serving homeowners throughout the Washington, D.C. region. We offer interior painting, exterior painting, carpentry, kitchen cabinet painting, and of course, popcorn ceiling removal and/or repair.
Use our online estimate request form, or contact our office, and we will be happy to provide you with a detailed, reliable estimate for house painting or popcorn ceiling services. We look forward to meeting you!